Manifestation with our RAS

I don't know about you, but I'm ready to make 2022 the best year ever! Let's utilize our very own superpower to manifest our dreams.

New Year's RASolution time!

January 23, 2022
3:00pm Pacific Time

What You'll Need

You'll need to get two journals - both blank. You'll also need to think of your top 3 to 5 goals (in any area of, relationships, exercise, etc.), as well as your top negative self-talk phrases.

And if you can't make it to the live workshop, no worries, I'll send you the replay.

Next Steps

I will email you a link to the free workshop, as well as the necessary next steps to get prepared. We'll meet for the LIVE workshop on January 24th and our experiment will begin! By signing up for this event, you're already re-wiring your brain and telling the Universe: "Yes, I'm ready to make my dreams a reality!"

Angela Marie Christian

Finance gal turned mindfulness teacher, mother, shaman, mystic, writer, astrologer, and a lover of all things neuroscience.

I'm Ready!

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